fillette heureuse


  • To keep a strategic watch on immigration.
  • To have a concerted action plan inspired by immigration policies (federal, provincial and municipal).
  • To help continually improve immigration policies.
  • To encourage, popularize and share research and literature in order to put them into practice (universities, CEGEPs, community organizations, etc.).
  • To inform one another on the realities experienced by immigrants.
  • To help inform institutions on immigration issues in order to shape their actions and decisions.
  • To support the implementation of innovative projects and evaluation methods.
  • To encourage the co-responsibility of all immigration stakeholders (including those belonging to the roundtable) together with the host communities.
  • To strengthen ties with all local stakeholders concerned with immigration.


  • To facilitate constructive dialogue between stakeholders who work with immigrants in any way.
  • To capitalize on the synergy of all immigration stakeholders.
  • To make sure that all roundtable members know one another and recognize their respective missions.
  • To work together by sector and on an intersectoral basis.
  • To cooperate according to each stakeholder’s expertise, in a spirit of complementarity.
  • To ensure ongoing training for roundtable members.
  • To strive to innovate in cooperative approaches by promoting the representativeness of immigration stakeholders within the roundtable.
  • To promote citizen participation from an inclusive perspective.
  • To develop ways to measure the roundtable’s social impact.


  • We hold a yearly forum to determine the roundtable’s directions and to plan
    operations with the working committees.
  • We call upon external facilitation resources during this forum.
  • We aim for three to five meetings per year with working committees.
  • We establish a strategic communication plan to raise awareness of the roundtable in Sherbrooke.
immigrantes corridor
ellipse jaune